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AdvocacyAction Needed!Our profession is facing Medicare payment cuts, and we need you and your patients and clients to take action to ensure Congress steps in. Over the past year, APTA and our members have sent thousands of letters to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services raising concerns about these cuts and providing recommendations to address the problem. CMS has not responded. We’re now calling on Congress to prevent these pending 9% cuts, which will reduce patient access and create instability in the health care system. Join the APTA Advocacy Network - Free for MembersThe APTA Advocacy Network (formerly PTeam) keeps APTA member advocates connected and engaged. Members participate for free and receive special legislative updates and action alerts when we need your voice. Federal Affairs Liaison for the Academy -Open-Seeking a Volunteer
Federal Affairs Liaisons (FALs) serve as the link between their component and APTA's Government Affairs Department on federal issues. Each APTA chapter and section president selects one member to serve as that components' FAL for a term of one year. FALs are responsible for disseminating information to their components, maintaining connections to their members of Congress, and providing grassroots input to APTA's Government Affairs Department. FALs also encourage their states to participate in grassroots advocacy activities and leads the August Recess in-district visits for their state. Roles and responsibilities include: