Nominations for Academy Offices

Academy Nominations will open on April 1st and close on June 6th, 2025 for the following positions:

2025 Nomination Form


Elections will open on August 27th and run through Sept 19th, 2025

The Academy of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy is governed by a five-person Executive Committee (EC) composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Delegate. The Academy Board of Directors consists of the EC members and the appointed Academy committee chairs.  Visit our Leadership page for a current roster.

The term of office of each officer shall be three (3) years, or until the election and assumption of office of his/her successor. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office, but shall be eligible again after one year’s absence from office.

Duties of the above positions are described in the APTA CVP bylaws and the position descriptions below.

Secretary   Treasurer   Chief Delegate   Nominating Committee

If you are considering running for an elected position: 

  • It is expected that elected APTA CVP leaders will not be restricted by their employment responsibilities from attending, and be willing to attend, Academy Board and Business meetings when required by their leadership roles. 

  • The BOD has a standing virtual meeting the 4th Tuesday of each of most months at 7:00pm Eastern time; with an in-person Business meeting held annually at each year’s APTA Combined Sections Meeting. 

  • Additionally, the Chief Delegate is expected to attend all in-person and virtual meetings related to the APTA House of Delegates.

Please read and review our Social Media Policy for Candidates.

If you have questions about any of the open positions, please contact our Nominating Committee.

Nominating Committee[email protected] 

Karlyn Green PT, DPT, CCS, OCS

Sabine Gempel  PT, DPT, CCS

Angela Henning PT, MSPT, CCS, Cert MDT, CFPS